Saturday, October 11, 2008

What I Feel

For the past few days, my left eyelid been twitching. Then i've found out it's due to stress. The unknown stress that strucks on me without me noticing it. Did some research and found out that stress comes in 3 forms. Physical, Emotional and Behavioral.

A physical stress might be an injury , an annoying sound or an uncomfortable chair. Emotional stress includes things like fighting with a friend, or the death of a loved one. Behavioral stress might come from alcohol, caffeine, or poor sleep.

Probably i'm mentally stress at work and emotional stress. I thought i handled it well but turns out the other way. Didn't notice it after yesterday's dinner. Rushed over to the ulu bali village near PSA for family dinner. During the dinner, i can't get hype up. Totally no mood to joke or play around. Tried to but can't.

How to relieve stress?

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