Monday, August 4, 2008

Jogging on 7th Month

After work, went to jog at around 7.30pm, but sky went dark earlier today. Brought my buddy 'Zen Stone Plus' with me. Run along the running track near my house, the whole stretch is link to Lakeside, but i manage to finish it and run back :) Didnt know my stamina can be that good..Bet MP3 really helps alot, took away the boredom while running..Jogged for nearly 1 hour with minimum rest..

While i'm running on the track near Lakeside, suddenly i felt the coldness..Don't know whether is it the wind that causes it..EERIE and not much people there too..didnt bother that much at that time, continue to run and listen to Jay Chow songs..haha..But frankly speaking, i did speed up my jogging..come to think of that now, it's abit errr....

Don't jog too late in this month..Especially with alot of trees and lake by the side..

Why am i always so busy at work? I'm not slacking!
Why so many clients find me when they got problems at work? Cause i'm always there.
Why till now i still can't finish my onhand job? Things just piles up.

Below is the solution.

Work Smart and not Work Hard

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